If the earth were a little closer or further away from the sun, if the moon wasn’t balanced in orbit acting as a stabilizer, the planet wouldn’t have been able to foster consciousness in this human form. An intricate balance of hot and cold gasses, liquids and solids form this womb, Mother Earth.

BALANCE IN BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT weight loss through yoga, jewel in the lotus

BALANCE IN BODY, MIND, AND SPIRIT weight loss through yoga, jewel in the lotus

The human body is a finely balanced vessel for awareness. Multitudes of balanced chemical and functional relationships are requisite for our being. Just as the earth revolves in its perfect orbit without the coaching of our minds, so our infinitely complicated bodies draw upon a higher order. Our bodies are always woking to maintain a proper relationship among the gases, liquids and solids animated by the life force into a living organism. This sacrosanct coalesce is constantly going on without direction from our thinking mind.


Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus        Page 44

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