DSC0018-webThe basic difference between unenlightened sex and Tantra, is that Tantra declares “the kingdom of God is within your heart.” In Sanskrit it is called Pinde So Brahamande, “the physical body is the temple of God, and the body is the replica or representation of the entire Cosmos.”

Contemporary society considers neurosis and deviant behavior normal, no more a problem than the common cold. Our present social and cultural structure supports separation and has created division among individuals and nations, manifesting in violence, war and in general a world without beauty and love. Western (and now even Eastern) culture uses sex for manipulation—sexy models being used to sell cars, soap and other products—while the same time suppressing sexual expression. With sex being such a powerful force, we have created the perfect environment for neurosis, and sexual violence.

Tantra says we can celebrate life when the idea of separation, or otherness, disappears from the body and mind, allowing people to meet on all levels of consciousness—physical, vital, mental, intellectual and spiritual. In fact, Tantric partners often consider themselves “soul partners.”

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