The body is only layers of invisible energy in form, and can be awakened if we let go of the sexual energy. This is the way of Tantra. It affirms the life energy within you in totality, so that those on this path find themselves whole and self-confident, with a positive panoramic view of everything.
Tantra changes one’s view of relationships as well. Tantrikas are less co-dependent, jealous or neurotic. They tend to be harmonious, fun and energy filled. In the way of Tantra, you also discover that the relationship you seek outside is already within you. You simply need to learn about it and cultivate the Tantric vision, a vital, bliss-filled approach to sex, love and life in general.
Today, many people have been exposed to the use of energy for healing, as with Chinese medicine, Reiki, Touch for Health, etc. Yet, few people, except the Taoists, use the body’s most powerful energy center—the sex center—for the achievement of divinity, immortality and enlightenment.