Each of us has the responsibility to create the best possible philosophy. Your outlook has to be your own. No thinker or religion can do this for you. Only you know what is most pleasing to you, and that should be the basis for forming your belief system. Imagine the best possible world and order your thinking to be that world.

Until we are reabsorbed into the Absolute, which is Truth, all truths (small letter ‘t’) are relative. As we evolve and come closer, things become clearer —but at any stage of the journey, pure clarity hasn’t been reached yet. Choose to see what is most pleasant. We are all doing the best we can. It’s too easy to look back at those you may consider less educated, less experienced, not as mature spiritually, and make judgements. Remember we are all only children spiritually.DSC0034-web

Imagine a tetter-totter. An inclined plane balanced on a fulcrum. As you ascend one side, you are having to exert the energy to go up. Reaching the midpoint a shift occurs and now you have the ease of descent. Many of us are reaching a similar point of balance in our development. Now the effort is to relax and enjoy the ride. You have come to realize that reality is a manifestation of our beliefs, imaginings and dreams. Everything is out there and we empower what is to be.DSC0006-color-web

As an Example: It is unacceptable a child be born with a major disability and that be the expression of all their life experience. If that same child experiences the disability for this lifetime, learns what is to be learned from the experience, and goes on to have many many more lifetimes, to experience many more sets of circumstance. Wakes up from this life, like awaking from a dream. This seems balanced and acceptable. So believe in reincarnation — that you want it to be that way is all the validation you need. Your compassion has taught you a lesson – YOU MAKE REALITY.

Have your love and compassion order your perspective. What appeals to you — Have it. Be it. Allow yourself to accept it. It is yours. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Don’t worry about impure motive or mistakes. We’ve got forever (now) – as you experience, expect your personal philosophy to reflect your growth. Things are going to change. Our resistance in embracing the natural order of change (evolution) only impedes progress. Things can be unimaginably better. Enjoy your desires in this moment. Have love and compassion form the next moment. ALL IS CONSCIOUSNESS.

DIMENSIONS — Yoga Sheds Light On Dark Matter

Contemporaneous realities can be difficult for many to accept. We’re conditioned to believe we have a firm knowledge of our circumstances.

Astronomers observing the effects of gravity on the universe have concluded they have no idea what comprises 96% of what is out there. Unfortunately, they have chosen to name this unknown ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’—although it has no light or dark qualities at all. What these names signify is that science is in the dark when it comes to knowing what the greater part of creation is, even on the physical plane. The same scientists who hypothesize the most basic unit of creation as infinitesimal vibrations, and feel this is the way it must be because it works out mathematically, admit that there must be at least ten dimensions for their theory to work.

Yoga has always know the physical universe is vibration and offers pathways exploring multi-dimensional existence.

multi-verse — weight loss through yoga

multi-verse — weight loss through yoga


Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus        page 10