This time last year, two friends and I where getting ready for a trek in the Himalayas. Oct. to Nov. is considered a sweet spot between the monsoon and the snows. The air is clearest, none of the haze common in Spring. The Himalayas are the spiritual center for traditional Eastern teachings. I had the pleasure of washing my spirit in the icy waters both Buddhists and Hindus agree are the origin of Holy Mother Ganges, spitting from 108 brass cow heads in the desert alpine village of Muktuena in Nepal The pure white of the surrounding snows mirroring the clear silence of my peaceful soul.
Tomorrow I’m leaving for a month in Europe. A personal quest to sites honoring the 11th century Cathars. I’m visiting sites where they were burned in southern France — a homage to the sincerity of their conviction — that man can, with work and steadfastness, climb out of the darkness and into the white light of spiritual completeness — perfection — as our divine birthright. [Posted two years ago]