314769_290952191028285_1256775752_nWe feel those efforts being watched from above. That attention is followed up the spine to its apex behind the eyes, to the third eye, seat of consciousness, observing all whether awake or asleep. Seeing not just what’s going on, but what is behind what is happening; not only what we do, but the thoughts and motivations that direct our acts. A coincidence, the homonym ‘I’ and ‘eye’?

Awareness, ever vigilant, where to hide from God (from our self) with every act and thought observed? Take a moment to be aware of the tone, the vibration that has followed your awareness up the spine, getting ever higher in pitch. Glance down the back to the starting point and experience the energy flowing upward with the awareness. The sixth dimension, the pinnacle of the intellect, summit of human experience, cusp of the physical plane. Each level of our development has its own seductiveness and we must not become too enthralled with the illusion of our own cleverness. The siren of the intellect prompts the mystical concern that we can be trapped at the crown of our narcissism, the sixth chakra.306706_266721590118018_1272658947_n

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