The physical universe is so huge and vast, of which we know so little, but have the audacity to reduce in our minds to three dimensions: length, depth, and height. Simplistic conceptions are even more impaired attempting to explain the spiritual. Observing this physical plane and pausing to reflect on the wonder of the realm we inhabit, take a slow breath through the nose, counting to four as you inhale. Hold that breath for two counts of eight and then exhale to a count of eight. Ponder the Biblical expression, “God so loved the world that he sent his son”; translated, the spiritual placed itself in a physical form so as to be able to experience this amazing physical universe. When each child takes its first breath, a soul enters that body to utilize for a lifetime as a vehicle to experience the physical plane. Forced head first into the world by the contractions of the birth canal, the newborn is lifted by its mother to her breast over the heart center.
Relax your breathing to its natural pattern, watching the young mother gazing down on the child suckling at her breast while the infant’s hands idly grasp, feeling her hair. Experience love, the rhythm of the mothers heart beating through its four chambers. The cross, mystic symbol representing ‘four’, a crossroads. Time, the fourth dimension, carries the being through the experience of human love: mother, father, siblings, family, a warm puppy, a close friend. A crossroads is reached, emotion in an even higher form: Awareness of God. With birth the individual travels outward through time from its starting point, in ever expanding circles of experience.