You are being let in on a big secret. This shouldn’t be a secret, but it is: ‘enlightened’ and ‘relaxed’ mean the same thing. They are synonymous. We are easing into liberation of the full expression of ‘Self’. If you had the capacity to fully let go, you would literally fall into the full perfect expression of your being. Since enlightenment is so infrequent, the ability to completely relax appears to be very rare.

Asana is helping us to be at ease in our bodies so the body is no longer a distraction. Pranayama is helping create the necessary energy and balance. Now we can start to relax. We can meditate.

MEDITATION —weight loss through yoga, page 101

MEDITATION —weight loss through yoga, page 101




Lonely rivers flow to the sea, to the sea,

To the open arms of the sea.

Lonely rivers sigh “wait for me, wait for me”

I’ll be coming home,

Wait for me.


Oh my love, my darling

I’ve hungered,

Hungered for your touch

A long lonely time,

And time goes by so slowly

And time can do so much,

Are you still mine?

I need your love, I..,

I need your love

God speed your love to me



Righteous Brothers    1966


REFLECTIONS ON DECEMBER 21, 2012 — End of a World (revisited)

There is much discussion, and among some, anxious speculation, about the coming Winter Solstice on December 21, 2012. This is the last date posted on the very accurate Mayan Calendar. I just saw a cartoon with two ancient Mayan stone carvers chipping away at large stone disks and one of them saying — “Well that’s it, I just ran out of room…um, …I wonder if this is gonna freak some people out?”

Among the cycles within cycles: tides, seasons, lifetimes, on a scale small enough to be familiar and universally  accepted, are the less familiar cycles on a stellar scale. Just as our earth circles the sun, the sun is circling the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, which along with the other galaxies, circle that source point all matter and energy are expanding from. Everything is a field of interconnection—what happens somewhere has an affect on everything everywhere.

This is the principle employed through the Zodiac. Within a yearly cycle the earth moves through spheres of influence. Within an approximate 2,000 year cycle, the dominate influence gradually shifts from one of the twelve divisions to the next influence in a clockwise direction. It is why the ancients constructed their early time keeping devices to function clockwise, to reflect these more dominate stellar relationships.

weight loss through yoga, jewel in the lotus —the END is the BEGINNING

weight loss through yoga, jewel in the lotus —the END is the BEGINNING

We are now making one of those 2,000 year shifts, from one designation, the Piscean Age, to the next, the Aquarian Age. As you can picture—this shift is very gradual, and at some point, we are said to have left one field of influence and now be in the next. This is happening very slowly in terms of human time. Because of the gradual nature of this shifting influence, change is also very gradual.

From observation of the influence of Aquarius on yearly cycles, assumptions are made about this ‘New Age’: Awareness of our objective connection with our Divine origins will become universal, dissolving the subjective identification fostering separation and loneliness. Spiritual understanding will erase materialism. Just in time, values will change and our most pressing problems—threatening the very continuation of humanity—will no longer be feed by our fear.

A much larger 26,000 year cycle of our sun’s relationship with the Milly Way is coinciding with an even greater more advantageous alinement of our sun, the Milky Way, and the sacrosanct coalesce of our Divine Source.

In summation: There is going to be change, everything is always changing—natural change—to quote the Beatles, “Everything is getting better.”


Yoga teaches our proper home is in this higher consciousness, observer consciousness. When you reside here, your being is in its natural home and balanced. Consider the homonyms ‘I’ and ‘eye’ and you see that this understanding is coded into our language.

If observer consciousness is you and it always has been and will always be, what’s the logical implication?





weight loss through yoga

weight loss through yoga

Asana helps to calm the mind and temper emotions. Challenging the physical body helps the practitioner connect with the other levels of self. Because of the rapid ability of the physical body to reflect change, it demonstrates the capacity to change on deeper unseen levels. The physical body is our home in this reality. Memories can be stored in our tissues. Asana is away of strengthening the will and exploring our psychological makeup, creating a balance between our material and spiritual existence.


The newborn enters the world separate from the mother. It exhales, and then inhales a first breath. Breathing begins with an exhalation and the last breath at death is an inhalation. With that first breath cycle, the new being draws life force into the body as an individual for the first time. This is the moment of the beginning of life. The spirit enters the body. Before the now sentient being was a complex growth within the mother’s body. At the moment of life, with that first breath cycle, the circulation of blood in the infant’s body reverses direction. The heart pumps in the opposite direction and the blood that was being pushed through the veins out through the circulatory system is pushed through the arteries and returns to the heart through the veins. A soul has entered the little body, having picked the perfect set of parents, in the perfect set of circumstances, to give it an opportunity to experience what’s necessary for this cycle of spiritual growth. Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus — page 60.1558553_10151898630828807_122968824_n-1


The natural result of the meditation suggested with this teaching is that the total being comes into a healthy balance and obstructions to the flow of life force energy are cleared. As a result, the body is able to correct irregularities such as excess weight, as it is no longer obstructed from its optimum expression.

weight loss through yoga

weight loss through yoga

When this happens, the natural result is spiritual growth. There are no distinct borders where the body ends and the mind starts, the mind ends and the spirit begins. For the approach to work, it must be holistic, working at all levels at the same time.


544068_430180020401133_1532329096_nThe Universe (capitalized to signify the greater Multiverse, small case for our universe) can be imagined being created as the result of a just prior to creation of our universe event, an implosion. The resulting reaction, the Big Bang, has things moving outward. Based on observation, Alan Guth, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology proposes a parallel universe theory called the Inflationary Theory of Cosmology. Professor Guth envisions that when the universe began, rather than things being pulled together by gravity, things were pulled apart by a kind of anti-gravity. As this force weakened, this reverse gravity that created a “false vacuum” (causing constant expansion) collapsed just before the Big Bang. Decay formed the particles which began our universe—the Universe is much bigger and our little universe is a bubble created by this collapse. Innumerable bubbles form the Universe, each a little universe.401986_501814423214116_1423217465_n

Could these universes all have the same law of physics and the same properties because of their common origin, or are their numbers so vast, every possible combination of principles? Or both? This allows for parallel universes with the possibility a person can exist at the same time in one or more places. Options are virtually limitless in a Multiverse.

Quantum Jumping:

The ability to move from one universe to another is done through thought transference. To change location (where you are in the Universe) you merely need to change your thought pattern or frequencies.563138_412862805466378_96544770_n