A YOGA ADVENTURE — What Goes Around, Comes Around

During the summer of 2010, I went on a tour of Northeastern India. The tour was presented by Know India Travel and was titled “Great Indian Religions and Cultures”.  Organized by Kelly McHenry who works as a librarian at Seattle Central College – in love with the country – she had led nine tours previously, mainly so she could share in the enjoyment of the experience.

The itinerary was planned so we explored mosques and temples of all the major religions and visited the Taj Mahal the final day. One thing that added so much depth to the experience was our guide, Dr. Arvind Singh. An expert on Indian religions, history, and culture; when we saw something exotic he could tell us what we were observing.

We flew into New Delhi and visited the beautiful Muslim Red Fort. On we traveled overnight by train to Amritsar, to the heart of Sikhism, the amazing Golden Temple. Then we took a long bus ride into the foothills of the Himalayas, to Dharamsala. This is the residence of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile.

To get there, we bused over winding narrow roads with spectacular views looking over cliffs deep into mountain valleys with the headwaters of the Ganges winding through. At one point we met another bus coming the other way, where some of the road had partly washed out. Our driver backed to the outside edge of the road to let the other bus pass by. Looking out a back window, I could see the very rear of the bus hanging over the precipice with the back tire only a foot from the red clay drop-off, down what looked like miles, into the valley below. The other bus passed and we continued up the mountain, business as usual.

We arrived in Dharamsala just before dusk, and our hotel was right where the road entered town. We had another fabulous meal and went to bed. I’m in the habit of waking at 4:00 in the morning getting up and doing some yoga and meditating. I wake exactly at 4:00 without an alarm. I was surprised, when we arrived in New Delhi near midnight two days before, that next morning – after a 17hour flight and half a world away, I still woke exactly at 4:00 India time.

After my yoga that morning in Dharamsala, being from Seattle, I started to look for a cup of coffee.  I walked out of the hotel and into the dusky predawn morning. I’d only gone a few doors when an old man left one of the houses ahead, waving over his shoulder to an elderly woman in the doorway whom I took to be his wife. Walking a few yards ahead of me, I was intrigued by his wholesome grandfatherly appearance.

Ahead and behind us, as if on cue, persons were leaving other residences and all walking the same direction with us. I soon noticed each person had a string of beads in their hand. After only five blocks, we started to leave town on a well-tended path into the woods. The spirit of the occasion caught me up and I continued along following the old man, who somehow seemed my guide. The dirt path wound through woods that had much the same appearance of mountain terrain in the Pacific Northwest. At intervals, at the side of the path, were rows of prayer wheels that each passerby would give a spin. To our left, between the evergreens, we looked out over deep valleys filled with fog. Some of the walkers were monks and by their dress, what I took to be the female equivalent. Most appeared householders. The trail wasn’t crowded with ten to twenty feet between walkers, but I noticed all seemed to be softy repeating “ Om…Mani, Padme…Hum”.

courtesy Fabi Castro-McLernon

Dharamsala, home of the Dalai Lama’s Temple Complex

After a long time, I began to wonder if this was a holiday and we were a procession to another village and made a silent plan to find a taxi on our arrival to get back to Dharamsala. After a good hour, we passed below the walls of what appeared a large temple complex, walked around the temple and into a town. I was taking in the strange narrow streets with seemingly crooked multi-story buildings clinging to the steep hillside as I wandered three blocks into town. Ahead I saw two persons who were members of my tour and for the first time realized we’d made a big circle and I was back where I’d started. Later I learned this walking meditation, this circumnavigation, is a ritual many of the local residents perform every day. The temple was Suglag Khang, the place of worship of His Holiness, The 14th Dalai Lama — Tenzin Gyatso.

YOGA FIRST, Weight Loss Consequential



WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH YOGA, JEWEL IN THE LOTUS was inspired by the realization many, because of their size, were effectively being denied access to yoga. Because in America, when people think yoga, they think asana or physical exercise; many of the other aspects of yoga, that make it a holistic science, are ignored. Of course exercise is good and should be encouraged, but humanity is entering a new stage of evolution… Spiritual Being. At one stage of our development, strength was the important factor determining success. Then mental intelligence. Now the definitive is spiritual development.

Just as a good weapon, devised with intelligence, can make brute strength laughingly ineffective — so spiritual acumen completely changes the game. Weight Loss was used a an example of how effective the techniques explained in the book are, how quickly everything can change, because overweight is such a big problem with no effective previous solution and the overweight were being ignored. The techniques work for everyone. Something very important is happening that changes everything you have learned to be reality. Many are coming to realize this shift is beginning to happen. If you get with the total holistic program that is yoga in its complete form — all mundane problems like overweight will correct themselves.

There are things to do to participate fully in this ‘New Age’. WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH YOGA, JEWEL IN THE LOTUS  is a simple, concise and complete manual for transformation — so you can “get with the program.” Effort is required on your part. It helps to know what to do.601216_10151466479579923_102069885_n Get a book and read it. Perform the ‘work’ necessary for your self realization. It isn’t difficult and the rewards are overwhelmingly rich. I promise you love, joy, and understanding beyond your greatest dreams.






Compassion… inspired this book. Anyone can use yoga as a path for personal transformation. As it is now practiced in the West, yoga is mainly a system of physical exercise. While yoga postures are an important element, they are only a small part of the whole science of well being that yoga offers. Even a person paralyzed with spinal cord injuries can experience the physical, mental, and spiritual metamorphosis that is a result of a sincere, complete yoga practice.

Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus   page 1


Spiritual growth takes a lot of energy. The yogi is trying  to conserve energy, create more energy, and direct life force towards higher goals. Meditation can make us much more efficient. The time we devote to meditation is paid back many times over. The importance of being aware enough to see what is really going on can’t be overstated. A lot of time and effort can be squandered when viewing reality from a diminished perspective.

weight loss through yoga

weight loss through yoga


STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN        II    “Take Your Light From Beneath The Basket”525576_469660079760912_898527108_n-1

Each of us is reading this page, a manifestation of the physical plane, with our eyes that exist at a frequency within the range of vibration that comprises the physical plane. The life force energy that animates the physical body and the mental body exists  at a higher frequency. Thought, assimilating this stimulus, at yet an even finer vibrational level. The unacknowledged natural wisdom that coordinates these functions vibrates at an even higher frequency.

Consisting of a different frequency from the physical senses, the finer wave lengths comprising our ‘Being’ can’t be perceived with those physical sense organs. At an even higher frequency is the sensation of ‘Being’, the joy of existing right next to and feeling the presence of all that is Divine. The Divine is our SELF.

The ‘light’ of Self shines through these concentric layers of ‘Being’ producing the hologram others consider you.


A Stairway to Heaven

There is a pathway inside you to the highest realms of Consciousness.

Everything is Consciousness.

It is your Destiny to walk this Path.

Destiny has brought you here now to begin this interior journey.

Over the next few days, the Path will be explained and we will begin our Ascension.

May I Be Your Guide

May I Be Your Guide

RETURN (A REMINDER… MY CUP RUNS OVER) reprinted from. Nov 2, 2013


Nepal is a wonderfully beautiful and spiritual country. Every time you look around, the beauty is so varied and overwhelming. The people of the countryside live so simply, with such joy. While they may not have the options we take for granted, they share a much greater portion of themselves with their divine presence and joy of being is clearly a large part of their lives. May I use their example to enrich my appreciation.734322_292470130876497_1531336399_n

Although I walk through the Valley of the Shadow of Death,

I fear no evil.

A rod and staff comfort me.

I’m led to green pastures,

allowed to lay down beside still waters.

A place is made for me among my enemies.

My cup runs over anointing my being11900_619332048096187_971554895_n.

Surely, goodness and mercy shall follow me

for all of the days of my life


Each of us has the responsibility to create the best possible philosophy. Your outlook has to be your own. No thinker or religion can do this for you. Only you know what is most pleasing to you, and that should be the basis for forming your belief system. Imagine the best possible world and order your thinking to be that world.

Until we are reabsorbed into the Absolute, which is Truth, all truths (small letter ‘t’) are relative. As we evolve and come closer, things become clearer —but at any stage of the journey, pure clarity hasn’t been reached yet. Choose to see what is most pleasant. We are all doing the best we can. It’s too easy to look back at those you may consider less educated, less experienced, not as mature spiritually, and make judgements. Remember we are all only children spiritually.DSC0034-web

Imagine a tetter-totter. An inclined plane balanced on a fulcrum. As you ascend one side, you are having to exert the energy to go up. Reaching the midpoint a shift occurs and now you have the ease of descent. Many of us are reaching a similar point of balance in our development. Now the effort is to relax and enjoy the ride. You have come to realize that reality is a manifestation of our beliefs, imaginings and dreams. Everything is out there and we empower what is to be.DSC0006-color-web

As an Example: It is unacceptable a child be born with a major disability and that be the expression of all their life experience. If that same child experiences the disability for this lifetime, learns what is to be learned from the experience, and goes on to have many many more lifetimes, to experience many more sets of circumstance. Wakes up from this life, like awaking from a dream. This seems balanced and acceptable. So believe in reincarnation — that you want it to be that way is all the validation you need. Your compassion has taught you a lesson – YOU MAKE REALITY.

Have your love and compassion order your perspective. What appeals to you — Have it. Be it. Allow yourself to accept it. It is yours. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY. Don’t worry about impure motive or mistakes. We’ve got forever (now) – as you experience, expect your personal philosophy to reflect your growth. Things are going to change. Our resistance in embracing the natural order of change (evolution) only impedes progress. Things can be unimaginably better. Enjoy your desires in this moment. Have love and compassion form the next moment. ALL IS CONSCIOUSNESS.

YOGIC BEING (from the pages of Weight Loss Through Yoga)

It is human nature to pretend we have a strong handle on reality, but truly there is much more going on than what can be seen in the material world. Often, our rigidly held outlook limits our ability to see beyond preconceived notions. In yoga everything is divided in two, purusa and prakriti. Everything we feel, experience and see is real, including our dreams, ideas and fantasies. That which has always been, purusa, is unchanging and will always be. That is the observer in each of us that even watches our mind think. Everything else is prakriti, impermanent and always in a state of change.

Yoga recognizes our physical body, but also recognizes other bodies, or koshas, occupying the same space as the physical body.

KOSHAS — from 'Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus'

KOSHAS — from ‘Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus’

There are five koshas:

1) A physical body comprised of matter.

2) A prana (energy) body. Prana is the Sanskrit word for ‘life force’ that animates all physical and mental activity.

3) A mental body.

4) A knowledge body (knowing beyond sensory perception).

5) An omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient body called the bliss body.

Prana, the life force energy, rides the breath.



FECUNDITY IS THE ORDER OF OUR UNIVERSE. Life fostering consciousness welcomes every opportunity to be. The consciousness of single-celled life forms navigate existence by being chemically attracted to that which brings pleasure and avoiding chemical sensations of distress and pain. LIFE IS AN EROTIC EXPERIENCE.

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