Focus your attention at the base of your spine. Establish a point of awareness in the blood and tissues, feeling energy accumulating and increasing like an electrical charge. The vital saltiness of your blood, so like the primordial sea from which life arose. The electricity is awash in the correct combination of chemicals and nutrients. A spark! The spark of life. A single cell is the point of your awareness; a living being receiving stimulus from its immediate surroundings through chemical molecular attractions and repulsions. Attracted toward what feels good, it avoids what is unpleasant. Sunlight streams through the salty liquid from above like consciousness streaming down. The cell can use this energy supporting its life, a sun eater.

Basking in the sunlight of your mindfulness, this sentient being prospers, growing, stretching the bounds of its cell walls. This sensation of expanding wellbeing increases, becoming sensual. This sensuality radiates out from the point of awareness, pleasurably arousing the sex organs. The focus is upon a seed bathed in vitality. Joyfully, the seed sprouts roots to absorb the enjoyment. Energy converges on the lower spine and radiates out between the legs. The labia and testicles, flooded with awareness and blood, pleasurably take notice of themselves.

As the awareness increases, so does the pleasure, further stimulating awareness. The seed gathers energy and splits, sending up a sprout as the waves of electrical pleasure radiate up the vagina and the penis becomes engorged with blood and starts expanding. The seed pushes its roots deeper into the nourishment, drawing up fulfillment. Its stem pushes upward through the salty red liquid. The vagina opens, yearning with desire for more of the pleasure. As the penis swells, parting her lips, it moves deeper and upward into the warm wetness — the greater the sensation, the greater the ecstasy, the greater the focus. The vagina welcomes the engorged shaft until the intumescence parts the cervix.541421_485141444882147_2111622326_n




Attributes of each chakra can be experienced when centered and still with attention focused inward. It might be noticed, for example, that each area of attention is accompanied by a tone. That tone becomes higher pitched as focus travels from the lower to higher chakras. Similarly, visualization of each chakra might be awash in a hue – the lower chakras with deep reds, then oranges, then yellows and up the spectrum as consciousness ascends the levels. This association can be explained by contemplating how we’ve come to understand nature works. Our very limited understanding of the universe shows that nature repeats herself, using the same solutions on ever-grander scales in the creation of our reality. By observing phenomena within the narrow range of our senses, knowing that we can visually perceive a very small part of the light spectrum, and are only physically equipped to hear a tiny portion of the waves we call sound, we can carry our understanding beyond what we can personally experience, knowing that patterns repeat themselves. All energy expresses itself in waves. By observing and reflecting on the small portion of the wave lengths accessible to our physical sense organs, we can make assumptions about energy not so plainly perceived. A relationship becomes apparent between spiritual energy and energy on the physical plane. In tune at various levels, the wave lengths correspond or harmonize.

The physical evolution of the species on earth has a parallel pattern in the development of a human child in the uterus. A single cell divides into groups of cells that specialize into organs, nerves, bone, etc. Some cells specialize to become the ever more complex nervous system and brain, wiring and intelligence necessary to direct all of the cells. A similar pattern of increasing complexity and refinement can be observed when awareness travels up through the chakras, a condensation of our spiritual evolution.

An issue that should be discussed before we begin our meditation is fear. There may be unresolved anguish over the unknown, reservations about completely letting go, distrust or a feeling of vulnerability. It’s helpful to remember the natural tendency of life in the universe to evolve to a higher order. By facing our fears we come to understand them for what they are and, in effect, defuse them.


3849_456636117723283_2145845636_nTHE SEVEN VEILS

The benefits of meditation are extolled without much conversation about the mechanics. This is one example of kundalini meditation, explaining how it is performed. In practice, each meditation is unique, reflecting the individual and her/his growth through contemplation.

The object is to focus the attention on the lower spine and to move that attention up the back in stages. The eight stages are chakras. The first chakra is at the base of the spine. The second is located on the spine behind the navel; the third on the spine behind the diaphragm; the fourth behind the heart; the fifth in back of the base of the throat; the sixth centered behind the eyes; the seventh, just above the top of the head. The eighth chakra is located above that.

Attention is maintained through visualization. This meditation is a suggested series of images to focus awareness in each of the chakras in turn. You are urged to accept them without prejudice. The images are to evoke contemplation within each stage and are drawn from a wide variety of sources. Hopefully you can utilize each image as a tool, inspiring insights, knowing the images are only tools and not absolute. After accepting these images and exploring the thoughts they provoke, you’ll want to create images expressing your own perceptions.

DIMENSIONS — Yoga Sheds Light On Dark Matter

Contemporaneous realities can be difficult for many to accept. We’re conditioned to believe we have a firm knowledge of our circumstances.

Astronomers observing the effects of gravity on the universe have concluded they have no idea what comprises 96% of what is out there. Unfortunately, they have chosen to name this unknown ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’—although it has no light or dark qualities at all. What these names signify is that science is in the dark when it comes to knowing what the greater part of creation is, even on the physical plane. The same scientists who hypothesize the most basic unit of creation as infinitesimal vibrations, and feel this is the way it must be because it works out mathematically, admit that there must be at least ten dimensions for their theory to work.

Yoga has always know the physical universe is vibration and offers pathways exploring multi-dimensional existence.

multi-verse — weight loss through yoga

multi-verse — weight loss through yoga


Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus        page 10

THE SEVEN VEILS, A Kundalini Meditation

DSC0020webTHE SEVEN VEILS, A Kundalini Meditation, can be experienced in its entirety ( 37 minutes) —  either listened to or downloaded, in the authors voice, at the website for the book, WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH YOGA, JEWEL IN THE LOTUS: www.weightlossthroughyoga.com. (look in the right margin of the Home Page)

The Meditation has been presented in thirteen parts on Facebook and as a blog.


INEFFABLE SELF — Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

INEFFABLE SELF — Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

It”s our nature to think we have a handle on reality. Our relatively recent ancestors, who thought illness could be cured with bleeding and the earth was flat, felt the same way. We have made comparative  strides in understanding aspects of the dimension we consider home, the physical universe. Rather than having it figured out, we’re made to realize: the more we learn, the more there is to learn.

Instead of seeking greater knowledge, we would gain more by seeking balance and coherence with what we already know. Things are a terrible mess. We know better, but continue to kill each other, destroy our mother planet and rob the future. We consider ourselves advanced in comparison to our forefathers? What is growing fastest is our potential to do harm. We’re all living lives so mundane as to be an insult to our children and those we claim to love.

We look to religion and leaders to provide solutions—so we can avoid the responsibility of doing the necessary work ourselves. Are you to muddle through this lifetime, the very shallowness of your existence an example to others?

You are this very moment part of an unimaginable rich presence. I say ‘you’ because you chose to think of yourself as that valuable, but minute, ego; a creature of the physical universe. You are a multi-dimensional being. The answers to ‘All’ exist within you—the complete You. It takes vision and commitment to set aside the illusion. It takes effort and it takes time. It takes courage.

There is a way, a clear path to your complete self, and a road map for that journey is offered in this book: Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus. This is a challenge! Take this opportunity to examine the book. Everything else you do pales in importance. Walk the path of transformation and fulfill the promise that is your birthright—now!

OUR BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE PHYSICAL PLANE — Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

OUR BEAUTIFUL HOME ON THE PHYSICAL PLANE — Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus


936210_515484665180425_488925915_nThe BHAGAVAD GITA lays out the yogic world view in the form of a tale of a prince, Arjuna, reluctantly facing battle. A manifestation of the godhead in the form of Krishna , acting as Arjuna’s chariot driver, explains why things appear as they do. Arjuna says to Krishna, “My mind is in confusion because in thy words I find contradictions”.

As you become more your self and see through your own eyes, the phenomenon of paradox becomes more prevalent.You exercise free will, but recognize a grand design and destiny. Things are the way they are supposed to be this moment, but they should be better.

This is a higher level of understanding. The world is trying to pin things down, but you perceive different strata of reality. Light can be both a wave and a pulse. Different dimensions have different rules. We can live in the same world, the physical universe, but, depending on our level of spiritual development, We experience different realities. Many teachers, Jesus as an example, perform what seem miracles, manifestations of a deeper awareness of the natural order. They tell us this is our birthright, to gain this greater awareness.

Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus        page 52

BLACK ELK’S GREAT VISION (from Black Elk Speaks —by John G. Neihart)

MEDICINE, Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

MEDICINE, Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

“Then I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round beneath me was the hoop of the world.

And while I stood there I saw more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw;

for I was seeing in a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit,                                                                                                                   and the shape of all shapes as they must live together as one being.

And I saw that the sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops                                                                                                                           that made one circle, wide as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering tree to shelter all of the children of one mother and one father.

And I saw that it was holy.”

Black Elk    1931

DREAM CATCHER, Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus

DREAM CATCHER, Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus