READ the BOOK ( to gain from yoga )

There are now many thousands subscribing to this blog. While I am gratified you enjoy it; I ask you to go online and purchase the book—WEIGHT LOSS THROUGH YOGA, JEWEL IN THE LOTUS. Not because I’d like to sell a lot of books, but so you can start to live a joyous existence beyond your greatest imaginings. Weight loss is the means used to illustrate the principles explained—but the book is for everyone. Finding and maintaining a healthy weight alludes many in this country, being recognized as a exploding health crisis in the United States. This is why the forum of weight loss was chosen to demonstrate the teaching.

weight loss through yoga

weight loss through yoga

None of us is perfect. The activities and understandings revealed in the text offer healing and help to all who employ them. They are universal. Understand ‘EVERYTHING’ as this is your true birthright as well as your duty.

I personally feel I’m only a tool used to facilitate the dissemination of this teaching—so I can discuss its beauty, clarity, and effectiveness. Learn your reason for being and the pleasure of realizing your complete self—by sharing this knowledge that will expand possibility exponentially for you, those you love, and all humankind.

We’re all in this together—a field of humanity—where what happens anywhere affects everything everywhere.

You are being summoned— READ THIS BOOK!

Weight LossThrough Yoga


SHAKTI AND SHIVA — Myth explaining KOSHAS (5 sheaths of Being)

Individual consciousness and cosmic consciousness are one, separated by subjectivity. Humans have evolved to be capable of understanding beyond sensory perception for spiritual growth.




Consciousness is purusa, unchanging. In order to exist as a material life form it must combine with matter that is always changing, prakriti. This is a paradox. The Hindu yogic tradition uses the MYTH of SHIVA and SHAKTI to explain.

A Reflection on Alaskan Winter Nights

130126Living in Alaska, the days get very short in winter. Where I had my home, Cordova, we would get down to about four hours of light in the dead of winter. To spend time outside, you would be out a lot in the dark. Both in the long days of summer and the short days of winter, the dimension of time can seem strange. Because it makes no difference during your near hibernation, I would find myself wandering around at three in the morning. Often when it is the coldest, it is also clear. There is very little ambient light, so the stars appear numerous and bright. The air is very still and the cold makes an almost inaudible whining sound.  When it is that cold, the moisture is drawn up out of the snow, and minute crystals frost the snow’s surface. Like tiny prisms, they glaze everything, breaking-up and refracting the starlight.

In the near complete silence, you crunch along through the snow. It is so reflective, if the moon is out, it is almost bright like daylight. To make the magic even more complete, often there will be an Aurora or Northern Lights. Sun particles cast into space by solar flares get trapped in the earths gravitation and are drawn to the magnetic poles to fall through the atmosphere in beautiful ever changing wave-like patterns of  neon-pastels. These colors and their undulating waves dance across the snowscape. Oh the beauty — Alaskan Winter Nights.602872_480094362025713_1849830905_n


Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus — RELATIVITY

Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus — RELATIVITY

A simple elegant proof of realms beyond the physical universe:

Einstein postulated the speed of light as the constant ultimate.

In a moment, anyone can prove the speed of thought faster.


The lessons we are learning on the physical plane are the reasons for our existence on this plane. Those lessons can only be learned here. Our physical form is the utility for the necessary experiences. We are divided into gender, male and female. Sex shouldn’t be treated as a hindrance to enlightenment or spiritual wholeness, but recognized as a microcosmic expression os the macrocosmic duality that animates our universe. The relationship represented by the yin yang symbol shows the ‘one’ being made aware of its self through interaction with the ‘other’, forming the ‘whole’.10174920_244410899077408_1100775321_nYoga reveres balance, and sexual union is the balance of opposites, a manifestation of our divine nature. Sex is sacred, not against God, not a sin. The yogi is God loving rather than God fearing. The yogi chooses to embrace his or her nature rather than deny it. If you call a healthy , natural expression of life a sin, then you can expect to live in a perpetual state of guilt.

The word for sex in Sanskrit is ‘kama’, as in Kama Sutra, the classic seventh century manual of lovemaking. Kama translates as ‘love-sex together’. Sex and love are entwined in one concept. Kama is also the name for the Hindu goddess of love.

Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus    Pages 102 and 103.


imagesYoga Nidra as presented in this book was taught by Yogi Amrit  Desai. If you feel it would be interesting or helpful to spend some time with a self-realized being, a true yogi guru of the Indian tradition, you might consider a pilgrimage to visit Yogi Amrit Desai. Known to his followers as Gurudev, he was a pioneer helping to bring yoga to America. He founded the Kripalu Yoga Center in Lennox, Massachusetts in the 1970’s. Once the center was established and thriving, politics surrounding misinterpretation of morality at different levels of spiritual development, threatened destruction of the resource. Amrit Desai selflessly walked away from his creation that it might continue to spread the message of yoga.

The Kripala Yoga Center continues and prospers, albeit without its original inspiration, and Gurudev maintains a peaceful presence  at the Amrit Yoga Institute in Salt Springs, Florida surrounded by those who appreciate the importance of the guru as a spiritual resource. Amrit is a lively man in his eighties, and with amazing vital energy and amiable goodwill, he makes himself available to those who want to share his presence. It is an important part of spiritual education to be around such a teacher, to see how exceptional, yet human, they are and to observe the people around the guru, to see how they relate to each other and to their teacher.


Weight Loss Through Yoga, Jewel in the Lotus        page 119