Many people have told me they are the lightest they’ve ever been, and feel the best they’ve ever felt when they practice yoga. If you do yoga regularly with a group of people, you can watch them transform. This applies both to people who are just starting their practice, and to people who have done yoga for years, who seem to go on to ever-finer levels of beauty. It is not superficial. Rather, it is a peeling away of the meretricious constructs that cover the perfect expression of Divinity that is our true nature.


Our success as a species is largely due to our intelligence, out capacity for thought. The mind has become very good at what it does. Success has spurred it on to greater aspirations. Now it wonders if it would be better off on its own, and teases itself with notions of a virtual reality. The mind entertains itself with imaginings of ‘everything ‘ just being thought. It forgets the requisite coalescence that allows it to exist, making consciousness and thought possible. To state it mildly, the mind has thought itself into a state of imbalance. Yoga reveres balance.

Yoga Maintains Balance Over the Mind

Yoga Maintains Balance Over the Mind

Yoga reveres balance.


65622_10151690193831328_1331191474_nIn the lower core of the body, between the anus and the navel, a unique form of pranic energy,’apana’ in Sanskrit, is found. It is concerned with the assimilation of food, waste removal, and sexual function. Apana is also the energy that pushes us out of the womb during birth and is often referred to as pelvic prana. Apana is involved with material existence, but carries the latent potential to transform into spiritual energy.

When we focus our attention on an area of the body, we energize the object of our attention. ENERGY FOLLOWS ATTENTION.