430909_10200301437563832_475254364_nWe cannot perceive those beings spiritually advanced beyond us, but knowing nature’s tendency to repeat herself, can we draw broad  assumptions? This human ‘father face’ we assign to the Higher Powers is but spiritual shorthand. Mere children spiritually, we use comfortable symbols to express what we intuit. What we consider God, these entities advanced compared to us, are they evolving too? What higher forms constitute their gods? Given what we can see in our small universe, wouldn’t that seem to be the case? One octave flows into another and that into yet another, energy evolving in perpetuity. Creation—ever changing, ever growing in a joyful dance to the Absolute.

There is no reason to reject the myths and language of your upbringing in a false show of sophistication. Embrace them for their power to share. Inspect them for the underlying truths that have become confused over time and telling. Often the opposite of the common interpretation may be real. A great teacher such as Christ tells us he isn’t God, but human like us, his brothers and sisters, who are all children of God—only to have us deify him. Seek and you shall find. So many teachers with so much to illuminate-examine and find truth for yourself.DSC0058web-770x1024


314769_290952191028285_1256775752_nWe feel those efforts being watched from above. That attention is followed up the spine to its apex behind the eyes, to the third eye, seat of consciousness, observing all whether awake or asleep. Seeing not just what’s going on, but what is behind what is happening; not only what we do, but the thoughts and motivations that direct our acts. A coincidence, the homonym ‘I’ and ‘eye’?

Awareness, ever vigilant, where to hide from God (from our self) with every act and thought observed? Take a moment to be aware of the tone, the vibration that has followed your awareness up the spine, getting ever higher in pitch. Glance down the back to the starting point and experience the energy flowing upward with the awareness. The sixth dimension, the pinnacle of the intellect, summit of human experience, cusp of the physical plane. Each level of our development has its own seductiveness and we must not become too enthralled with the illusion of our own cleverness. The siren of the intellect prompts the mystical concern that we can be trapped at the crown of our narcissism, the sixth chakra.306706_266721590118018_1272658947_n


379177_384153358348287_1306741558_nKnowing the true origin of all good, effort becomes efficient as the illusions of human politics are exposed. Many paths, some more appropriate to each individual’s circumstance, offer real freedom. Any situation can be utilized. No sadness, because all souls return eventually to their source. No status, no competition. When compared to the backdrop of infinity, we’re only beginning. Ultimate love, where everyone makes it, no one is lost, all come home. What we’d deemed sin is mere dallying on the way. Our efforts are less important than the sincerity with which they are performed.67922_471113726285693_1174051803_n


559977_207253539414885_561017467_nAt times we feel things are right, somehow connected and positive. At other times in our wandering, we have a sense of aloneness and feel out of sync and disconnected. It is as if a beam were shinning down and we feel love when we’re in its warmth, and loss when we’re outside its light. The soul, traveling through its incarnations, circles ever further from its point of origin. As it gets closer to the source of the beam, the beam narrows and gets more dense. The distinction between being ‘in’ and ‘out’ becomes greater. The traveler no longer circles randomly, but through trial and error finds direction. With intent, a crossroads in development of the soul is reached. The Godhead is actively sought. God, divided into innumerable fragments, formed our existence. God, a part of everything. Now a piece of that everything discovers God in itself and seeks its way back to the whole.

Numerous lifetimes of searching and we locate the exact direction to the source. No longer weaving ‘in’ and ‘out’ we have direction and look out of the heart center up the spine to a star shinning bright, guiding us as the Three Wise Men of biblical myth were guided to an incarnation of the Godhead extant on the physical plane. Visualize that star behind the throat. “I Am” — the word, the way, the path. Effort is made to draw closer to the source of all pleasure, understanding and meaning. Other worldly pursuits aren’t abandoned, but are now seen as tools for learning lessons that will help us draw closer.DSC0073web